Bean to cup coffee machines give you a fresh coffee like no other in no time at all.
Benefits of Bean to Cup Coffee Machines
Having that perfect cup of coffee is the best way to get you going or give you a quick picker-upper. There are many benefits of having a bean to cup coffee machine in your workplace. Some you might not have even thought of.
Super Fresh
There is nothing like having freshly ground coffee. With bean to cup machines, the coffee bean is actually ground right before brewing. They can give you the exact grind you want depending on the kind of coffee you are looking to enjoy.
More Flavor
Freshly ground beans have more flavor than pre-packaged ground beans. This is due to the fact that the oil from the beans start to evaporate as soon as it is exposed to oxygen. When the beans are ground as you need them, the flavor will always be the freshest possible.
Your Own Coffee Type
Bean to sup coffee machines can make a wide variety of coffee types. This is due to the machine being able to regulate how the coffee is ground. This allows to fine tune the coffee according to the type of beverage.
Time Saving
By producing the coffee when needed, you don’t have to wait for a full pot to brew. This keeps employees from hanging around the coffee machine waiting for the coffee to finish. Which also increases productivity.
Money Saving
Because the coffee is processed inside the machine, there is no need to purchase coffee that processed somewhere else. By not having to have an employee to clean out the old coffee, fill it with water and put in the grinds, you save money on man hour labor. Another part of money saving, is there is no longer any wasted coffee. There is always that one person in the office that will throw out half a pot just because it was brewed three hours ago. That is a waste of money.
Expresso Office Coffee provides the freshest coffee in Dade and Broward counties. All of our machines are fully maintained by us so there is never a worry about have to repair or replace a broken machine. We have our own proprietary blend that supersedes any other out there. Call or Contact Us and we can go over all of the benefits of having a bean to cup coffee machine. You can also have a quick look at the saving we can offer you by using our comparison calculator.